Many ground water supplies often have multiple problems that are not only an issue from an aesthetic standpoint but in terms of cost when pipes become clogged, fixtures stained and laundry discolored. Combination units use mixed beds of a variety of different medias to provide one solution for your water woes.
HIMTLC Series – Hardness, Iron, Manganese & Tannins
Rid your water of hardness minerals (calcium and magnesium) and enjoy soft skin, silky hair, spot free dishes and brighter laundry while protecting your plumbing and water using appliances from scale build-up.
Removing iron and manganese will keep fixtures from getting stained as well as removing the taste and smell.
Tannins, caused by decaying organic matter, are normally found in surface water systems and cause a yellow or brown color in the water that does not settle and will stain laundry.
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